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Why Won't the District 12 Voice Editorial Board Publish This Letter?
Just Ask Them (Call editorial board member Earl Burt at D12, 416 - 751-8300)By the way, for the past two years the editors have repeatedly refused to publish letters by this writer in D12 Voice. Usually no reason, or a lame excuse is given.
Dear Editor,
The article "Activism on parade" in D12 Voice (October 2004, page 8) presents a somewhat incomplete picture.The writers claim that ìprior to amalgamation, members from the six legacy districts, to varying degrees, attended the Labour Day parade, but not as official members of the Toronto and District Labour Council.
Readers of D12 Voice may find it interesting to learn that substitute teachers at the former City of Toronto Board of Education affiliated as a bargaining unit to Torontoís labour council in 1984 and participated in all subsequent Labour Day marches.
Immediately following amalgamation of school boards across Metro in early 1998, the new Toronto Occasional Teachersí Bargaining Unit (OTBU) of District 12 OSSTF affiliated to labour council. (This preceded STBU affiliation to labour council by about two years.) With our banner held high, OTBU members walked and drove in every Labour Day parade. For three years in a row, the OTBU contingent won the Labour Councilís award for either the best, or second best-decorated vehicle in the procession.
OTBU proud participation, with our own banner and contingent, continued even during the undemocratic provincial OSSTF-imposed trusteeship in 2003. Sadly, there was no sign of an OTBU contingent in the September 6, 2004 parade.
In solidarity,
Barry Weisleder,
President 1984 - 2002,
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